Because Christianity is bigger than Biblical manhood or Biblical womanhood (Blog of Retha Faurie)

There is a lot of “Biblical Womanhood” material in books, magazines and on the Internet that complain about “women who put career ahead of family.” A recent George Barna study suggests that very few Christian women do:

At least 73% of Christian women call either motherhood or being a spouse more important than being a follower of God.  Only 13% of them call themselves firstly a follower of Christ. A mere 3% firstly sees themselves as employees or executives.

Preaching against “careerism over family” is like preaching against the ditch on the left side of the road, and admonishing everyone to stay on the right side, when almost everyone  are falling into the ditch on the right side. Lessons on the importance of being a wife or mother seems to be the utterly last thing that the average American church woman need. Instead, at least 73% need to learn putting Jesus first, before children and husbands.

Comments on: "Complementarians have the wrong priorities" (6)

  1. Very true. What Christian women really need to hear is how to put God first in their lives.


  2. Although it does sound like they a whole lot of them are putting their children ahead of their husbands.


  3. Deborah Shore said:

    So simple, so good. I’d love to post this on FB but think I’d end up hurting a lot of women who may be unprepared to look at this w/o feeling I’m demoting their motherhood (which is the last thing I mean to do).


  4. Deborah Shore said:

    Very good. I’d like to share this on FB but fear that most of my friends would take it the wrong way even though I don’t mean to denigrate motherhood. If I was a mother myself, I’d share it, but since I’m not, it could look like I’m looking down my nose at them. This is very important. I do think we have an idol of family.


  5. For the sake of not confusing anyone who is not a regular reader, I will add:
    Yes, husbands and children is very important if you have them. Nobody, man or woman, should regard their job as more important than their family.
    Your children need you. Your husband/ wife do too.
    But the central thing to a Christian should be Jesus. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.
    Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Start with those nearest to you, which are indeed usually your spouse and children.


  6. If people read this, and take it as demoting the motherhood? They clearly didn’t read the study in question. There was not one sniff of that in the paper, or this article.

    They need to look closer at what they are getting defensive over it seems.


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